Twenty five.
That’s a big number. I always
found it a little pompous and proud for being five squared. I’m not sure why.
But two fives kinda made it arrogant. Like this annoying swollen headed jerk
sneering down at you from its pedestal, far away.
Except it’s not so far away any
And the closer I get, the more
jittery I get.
Because I’m beginning to realize that
20 was so much easier than 25.
At 20, I could get drunk, dance
like a maniac, and be all stupid and it was ok. Because I was 20. And I could
be all grown up and mature the next second and that was a wonder, because I was
just 20.
And somehow all I seem to want to
do now is run…run back to the days I had no worries, no emotions, no troubles…or
run to the future, that beautiful time when everything will be alright, when
cynicism would’ve been rendered useless, and optimism finally rewarded, and
uncertainty banished.
And that’s why 25 is scary. It’s
a roadblock you can’t get out of. One that forces you to stop, and think, and
And learn.
I’ve learnt that it gets tougher
to dream as you grow up. It isn’t as easy to say that one day you want to
become the CEO of a big media company. Not unless you’re delivering. And it isn’t
as easy to deliver as it used to be.
I’ve learnt that no dream is ever
truly lost.
I’ve learnt that what people
think does matter, even if you’d like to believe it doesn’t.
I’ve learnt that stereotypes
exist for a reason.
I’ve learnt being a rebel without
a cause has no glory.
I’ve learnt that causes sometimes
cease to exist, abruptly.
I’ve learnt you can be numb for
years, and then emotions can hit you like a wall of bricks you just didn’t see
I’ve learnt that all the McDreamys,
Chuck Bass’s, Oliver Barretts and Rhett Buttlers are at the end of the day,
nothing but characters, created out of women’s fantasies.
And sometimes they aren’t.
I’ve learnt that cynicism gets
you nowhere. But it only has your best interests at heart.
I’ve learnt that optimism can
move the world. But hope can kill.
I’ve learnt that sometimes it’s
good to wake up.
I’ve learnt that we spend our
lives fighting our parents, trying to prove them wrong, but they’re right, most
of the times anyway.
I’ve learnt that I can spend my
life running away from who I was, and the decisions I have taken. But there isn’t
a way that exists that I can run away from myself.
I’ve learnt that dreaming about
being 24, with a huge salary cheque, a budding career while being married to
the love of my life was a dream as silly as the notion of perfection.
I’ve learnt that life isn’t perfect,
and it may never be.
I’ve learnt that perfection is
over rated.
I’ve learnt that dreams need to
sometimes be protected.
I’ve learnt that happiness is all
that really matters.
I’ve learnt that most of us don’t
know what really makes us happy.
I’ve learnt that I am weaker than
I thought I was.
I also know I’m about to become
stronger than even I knew possible.
I’ve learnt that being 25, with a
tiny salary cheque, a career that seems to be headed downhill, and nowhere near
marriage is what reality is.
And I’ve learnt there are many
perspectives to reality.
I’ve learnt it’s never too late
to start over.
Above all, I’ve learnt that being
25 is not about looming deadlines, about lost dreams, about a plan gone
terribly wrong.
It may have taken some broken
bones, some really bad reviews, a lot of tears and pain.
But it’s about realising that I'm 25, and even though life didn’t exactly turn out the way I’d thought, it
turned into something different, something new.
It’s about realising that I'm alive, and kicking.
And I'm not alone.
And there's way too much in store for me to even think of stopping now.
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P.S. This isn't my best piece of writing, and I know it. It's just that too many things have been worrying me lately, and I really needed them out of my head, once and for all. So now I can go back to my usual happy-go-lucky-even-if-slightly-cribby writing :D